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Lisa Ireland Writing Mentorship Program

Are you looking for a book writing mentor to support you on your path to publication?


I wish I'd had someone to answer my writing questions...give me feedback on my me work out my own style & process...share their industry knowledge with my writing coach.

Writing Mentorships,novel writing coach

Being traditionally published was a lifelong dream for me. While I was writing my first novel, there were times when I felt confused and overwhelmed by all the advice out there. Should I be a plotter or a pantser? Should I really delete all my adverbs? Do I need an agent? In those early days, it would have been really nice to have a novel writing coach I could chat to.

When I finally got the call in 2013, I knew eventually I’d want to start a coaching or mentorship program to help share what I was learning with others.

Since then, I’ve run Week-Long Writing Retreats with fellow women’s fiction author Vanessa Carnevale and begun my own private writing mentorship program offering both 1-on-1 coaching and small group sessions.

As my list of graduated mentees grows, so too is the supportive online writing community we are building through our private Facebook Group.



Whilst I previously offered twelve month mentorships, the nature of my publication and publicity schedule means it can be difficult to plan my availability more than six months in advance.

In addition to this, my mentees have found six months to be the most beneficial amount of time for setting big writing goals and really building momentum.

You’ll end your six month mentorship with some suggestions and a bit of a roadmap on what you’ll need to do next. However, should you really need more time, you’re welcome to re-engage me for a further six months or utilise my Career and Novel Writing Coaching Sessions.

It depends…Romance is such a big genre with specific conventions and reader expectations for each sub-genre that you’re often best finding a mentor who actively writes (or at least reads!) in your area.

Personally, I’m happy and confident accepting mentees who write in rural/small-town romance, historical romance and contemporary romance.

However, if you write in another romance sub-genre (or another genre altogether), we may still be a good fit! Fill in an enquiry and let me know a little about you and your project. If I can’t help you, I may be able to connect you with a different mentor who would be a better fit.

Watch this space! 

The best way to ensure you don’t miss out on news of future writing retreats is to sign up to my newsletter or follow me on social media.

At this time, I am not offering formal manuscript assessments. However, my six month mentorship packages come with feedback on your first 10,000 words and ongoing monthly feedback on up to 5,000 words (35,000 words max during mentorship period).

If you need a full formal assessment, please get in touch with your local writers centre or the Australian Society of Authors.

Not in the immediate future but never say never.

In the meantime, my favourite books on writing are:

mentee testimonials

limited writing mentorship spots available


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